To be born.
Born, as in,
existing as a result of birth
From Old English boren, past participle, as in: to bear.
How much can we bear?
20-35 extra pounds, distributed between baby, belly, breasts, blood.
A defined curve in the spine to accommodate the extra weight.
Swollen feet, pinched nerves, bones slowly spreading away from one another.
Curse of Eve, is this what we bear?
She said it feels like a bowling ball of light passing through your pelvis
a hot iron weight covered in spikes cutting its way through you
she thought she was going to die
she thought she was going to tear open
if not for the hot compresses of her midwife.
She awoke and didn't know where she was.
She said she reached a moment of acceptance.
She said it all went away when he came out.
What is that we bear?
The weight of stories passed through generations.
The dreams of our mothers
from fathers, husbands, lovers
She said,
do you know what puta means?
She said,
The only reason I'm still fighting is for my baby.
Weight gain varies in pregnancy.
To be born,
as in by another,
as in to be carried.
All these 40 weeks.
All these 280 days.
All these 280 nights.
Inside, the kick of toes against rib bones, gentle beat of hiccups,
delicate exchange of gases and nutrients.
She said, I think he dances sometimes.
Before you were born, you were known.
Before you were born,
we counted your heartbeats.
Like a wineglass against a wall,
we tried to listen to your secret world.
Did you know your parents smiled
to hear you,
your big brother, sister, so proud
just to touch your small baby head.
Before you were born, you were wanted.
To be born,
as in to be born through,
as in to move.
How is it that you know so well how to be born?
Through this darkened tunnel
this squeezing maze of changing bones.
What map do you bear?
What knowledge older than words, older than time?
These are the cardinal movements of babies.
Engagement, descent, flexion, internal rotation,
extension, restitution, external rotation, expulsion
a leading dignitary in the Catholic church
a new world songbird
of the greatest importance, fundamental.
We wait to know you.
For so long we have dreamed of you.
Yes, us, even us, who have hugged the curves of your body
balloted your tender, forming bones.
Who are you?
You who has come so far to begin anew.
Born as in
to bear
like, witness.